Own laboratory
Before our CBD products are shipped, they are first extensively tested by our own lab technicians, so that we know exactly what the CBD and THC content of the product is. The cannabinoids in our extracts and oils are tested by HPLC (High Performance Liquid...
Sustainable noise barriers installed in Westerbork
Sustainable noise barriers from Greenwall have been placed around an existing electricity house in a new residential area in Westerbork. The noise barriers are filled with hemp lime from Dun Agro.In addition to the good sound-insulating properties, Greenwall's hemp...
Full spectrum CBD/ CBDa oil
What is meant by full spectrum CBD / CBDa oil. In addition to CBD, the hemp plant contains more than five hundred different components. Full spectrum refers to the complete package of substances. Examples of other substances, besides cannabinoids, that may be present...
Hempbed hemp bedding is made from the wood core of our industrial fiber hemp. Hempwood naturally has a great absorption capacity, so that moisture, odors and ammonia are quickly absorbed by the Hempbed. Hempbed hemp bedding is virtually dust-free and is therefore also...
Our new sowing combination beautifully portrayed on trekkerweb.nl
Six meters wide digging and sowing hemp at Dun Agro Hemp GroupThe Claas Xerion 4000 is used while sowing our hemp. Our harvesting process has been beautifully portrayed and can now also be read on trekkerweb.nl
Career in industrial hemp?
FC Groningen esportsman Nick den Hamer visited us in the fifth episode of 'Life After Esports'! The FC Groningen esports player is looking at whether a career in industrial hemp is a good continuation after his active FIFA career. Nick and Kees Dun of Dun Agro show...
Processing hemp straw
Despite COVID-19, the processing of hemp straw continues! In fact, it's busier than ever! During this period, the factory runs more hours than usual. This is made possible by our processing staff! That is why Dun Agro Hemp Group BV would like to thank the processing...
Ridderkerk gets more than 1450 meters long noise barrier made of Dutch fiber hemp
Ridderkerk gets more than 1450 meters long noise barrier made of Dutch fiber hemp The municipality of Ridderkerk has added a very special noise barrier, namely one that is filled with hemp (lime)! On Monday, June 29, 2020, the certificate of ownership of the more than...
How are our sustainable homes and buildings made of hemp lime prefab panels created?
How it starts: How are our sustainable homes and buildings made of hemp lime prefab panels created? It starts with the order we receive from the end customer, which can be a consumer, an architect, a municipality or other company or institution. We sit down with this...
The harvesting process begins
We start with sowing the industrial hemp seeds, this goes as follows: Sowing takes place in April and May. Then the growing process begins, The hemp needs about 3.5 months to mature before harvestThe whole process from seed to harvest is managed and controlled by our...
Dunagro and Afeer working together
Work and training company Afeer in Winschoten is going to make timber frame frames for the sustainable hemp homes of the Dun Agro company in Oude Pekela. Afeer has therefore started a new production line in the carpentry factory on the Hoogebrug in Winschoten....
Harvest of the hemp stalk
For the construction we use the wood core of the stems (hemp straw). Hemp straw remains on the land for a few weeks after mowing to rot (exposing hemp to water and sun). In between, the stems are turned to allow everything to rot as well as possible.When the stems are...